As your supporter, a former educator, an activist, and a mother, I humbly beg you to withdraw your name from consideration for the presidency of the United States.
Few Democratic constituents can claim to understand the literal sweat it takes to get good work done in hard places, Mr. President. My family and friends in Texas have sacrificed precious time, money, comfort, and safety to support local, state, and national candidates in the most hostile environments.
But after last Thursday’s debate, many of our existing concerns were validated. Mr. President, you have served your country well and — together with our sweat and time and contributions — have built a Reputable Legacy.
One of my Texas friends shared a concern about legacy. He reminded me that Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg unknowingly destroyed much of the Reputable Legacy she built because she was unwilling to confront her own mortality. As a woman and a mother to young women, I find myself a little furious at the Justice for risking so much for so many when disaster might have been prevented.
Much is at risk with little protection:
The Corrupt Court increasingly opens doors for Trump’s plans for unbridled and unchecked authoritarianism.
Congress proved too weak to impeach and remove a traitor to the nation even when attacked within its own walls.
Mr. President, if you were truly inspired to join the race against Trump for 2020 because of Charlotesville, you know we are confronting literal Nazis. You know the groups that will be targeted and harmed if their vile voices are once again affirmed in an election.
You know a national abortion ban would mean families fighting to find passports or crossing the borders illegally to seek care for their loved ones. My life and the lives of my daughters would be immediately impacted if we could not escape even Texas’s cruelty quickly.
You know the 2025 MAGA Plan for Psychopaths will include mass deportations of Black and brown immigrants.
Many will claim that no one can beat Trump but you. That what you’ve built is too grand and only you can finish it. I keep hearing over and over again from my fellow Democrats, Mr. President, that only you can save us.
And one of my young Texas friends, a fellow mother and Democrat, poignantly pointed out that we’ve heard this line before: “Only I can save us.”
Mr. President, if you ran to contrast Trump — if you recognize that what has been built is bigger than you or any one person — I humbly beg you to withdraw and allow a democratic process to replace you on our ballot. Families like mine have worked too hard to risk this much.
Allow another Democrat to continue the Reputable Legacy that most Democrats in office leave behind. Any Democrat with a pulse leaves our country with health care and bridges. These 1920s Republicans currently promise Americans tariffs and abortion bans. Allow our values to clearly contrast their depravity without distraction.
The cowardice of the Republican Party to check Trump is pathetic and disgraceful, but the cowardice of the Democratic Party in this moment to resist requesting that you step aside is, frankly, unforgivable. They fail the young, diverse, vibrant, talented action-takers who have supported and fueled our Party for decades.
Please have the courage that your colleagues fail to gather, Mr. President.
Please allow Americans the time to select a Democratic candidate democratically, so we can truly stand for the Voice of the People and not the pre-determined selections of a recalcitrant party.
With gratitude for all we have built together,
your fellow citizen